Decrypting a puzzle involves lots of trial and error and erasing.
It would be nice to:
- have a tool that automates all the substituting
- say, "Show me all the e's" (like the game show Wheel of Fortune)
- say, "I give up. What does the 'x' stand for?"
Goal: read plain text quote or verse from a file, encode it, and
implement a game that provides 3 ways to decrypt:
- "xy" (substitute x with y)
- "=x" (where are all the decoded x's?, comparable to Wheel of Fortune guessing)
- "?x" (give decode of all encoded x's)
- -- --- ------- -- --- ------, -------
v br zfl bxebrao fn lea kfxcai, yambpxa
-- -- --- ----- -- --- --- --- ---------
vl vx lea cfqag fn kfo nfg lea xbihblvfz
-- -------- --- --------; ----- --- --- ---,
fn ahagjfza qef yaivahax; nvgxl nfg lea saq,
---- --- --- -------. -- ------ 1:16
leaz nfg lea kazlvia. -- gfrbzx 1:16
FromTo ("?x" give decode for x? "=e" where are all e's?): ?v
i -- --- ------- -- --- ------, -------
v br zfl bxebrao fn lea kfxcai, yambpxa
i- i- --- ----- -- --- --- --- ------i--
vl vx lea cfqag fn kfo nfg lea xbihblvfz
-- -------- --- ---i----; -i--- --- --- ---,
fn ahagjfza qef yaivahax; nvgxl nfg lea saq,
---- --- --- ----i--. -- ------ 1:16
leaz nfg lea kazlvia. -- gfrbzx 1:16
FromTo ("?x" give decode for x? "=e" where are all e's?): =e
i -- --- -----e- -- --e ----e-, -e----e
v br zfl bxebrao fn lea kfxcai, yambpxa
i- i- --e ---e- -- --- --- --e ------i--
vl vx lea cfqag fn kfo nfg lea xbihblvfz
-- e-e----e --- -e-ie-e-; -i--- --- --e -e-,
fn ahagjfza qef yaivahax; nvgxl nfg lea saq,
--e- --- --e -e--i-e. -- ------ 1:16
leaz nfg lea kazlvia. -- gfrbzx 1:16
FromTo ("?x" give decode for x? "=e" where are all e's?): xs
i -- --- -s---e- -- --e --s-e-, -e---se
v br zfl bxebrao fn lea kfxcai, yambpxa
i- is --e ---e- -- --- --- --e s-----i--
vl vx lea cfqag fn kfo nfg lea xbihblvfz
-- e-e----e --- -e-ie-es; -i-s- --- --e -e-,
fn ahagjfza qef yaivahax; nvgxl nfg lea saq,
--e- --- --e -e--i-e. -- -----s 1:16
leaz nfg lea kazlvia. -- gfrbzx 1:16
- Randomize the decoded-to-encoded array
- Initialize the encoded-to-decoded array
- Read the 4 lines to encode from "decrypt.txt"
- Use decoded-to-encoded to initialize encoded_lines
- Assign spaces and punctuation to decoded_lines
- while (true)
- display
- accept input
- process requests
- "xy" (substitute x with y)
- "=x" (where are all the decoded x's?, comparable to Wheel of Fortune guessing)
- "?x" (give decode of all encoded x's)
No "?x" command
#include <iostream> // no "?x" command
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
string encoded_lines[4], decoded_lines[4], str;
string encoded = "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 97 122
void setup();
void display();
void substitute( char from, char to );
int main( void ) {
while (true) {
cin >> str;
cout << '\n';
substitute( str[0], str[1] );
} }
void setup() {
char tmp;
srand( time( 0 ) );
for (int i=0, one, two; i < 300; ++i) { // randomize encoded
one = rand() % 26; two = rand() % 26; tmp = encoded[one];
encoded[one] = encoded[two]; encoded[two] = tmp;
ifstream ifs( "decrypt.txt" );
for (int i=0; i < 4; ++i) {
getline( ifs, str );
encoded_lines[i] = str; // make encoded_lines[i] string big enough
for (int j=0; j < str.size(); ++j)
if (str[j] >= 'a' && str[j] <= 'z') {
encoded_lines[i][j] = encoded[str[j]];
decoded_lines[i] += '-';
} else
decoded_lines[i] += str[j]; // spaces and punctuation
} }
void display() {
for (int i=0; i < 4; ++i)
cout << '\n' << decoded_lines[i] << '\n' << encoded_lines[i] << '\n';
cout << "\nFromTo (\"=e\" where are all e's?): ";
void substitute( char from, char to ) {
for (int i=0; i < 4; ++i)
for (int j=0; j < encoded_lines[i].size(); ++j)
if (from == '=') {
// turn requested decoded char to encoded and report when found
if (encoded_lines[i][j] == encoded[to])
decoded_lines[i][j] = to;
} else if (encoded_lines[i][j] == from) {
decoded_lines[i][j] = to;
} }
Adding "?x" from simple implementation to sophisticated
// "?x" using find_decoded() function
char find_decoded( char to ) {
for (int i=97; i < 123; ++i)
if (encoded[i] == to)
return (char) i;
return '?';
// "=e" - Where are all the decoded e's?
if (from == '=') {
// turn requested decoded char to encoded and report when found
if (encoded_lines[i][j] == encoded[to])
decoded_lines[i][j] = to;
// "?x" - What letter does encoded 'x' decode to?
} else if (from == '?') {
if (encoded_lines[i][j] == to)
decoded_lines[i][j] = find_decoded( to );
// "?x" using map
map<char,char> decoded; // allows encoded char to find its decoded equivalent
// use decoded to remember the orig_char for each encoded char
for (int orig_char=97; orig_char < 123; ++orig_char)
decoded[encoded[orig_char]] = orig_char;
// "?x" - What letter does encoded 'x' decode to?
} else if (from == '?') {
if (encoded_lines[i][j] == to)
decoded_lines[i][j] = decoded[to];
// "?x" using char array
string decoded = encoded; // allows encoded char to find its decoded equivalent
// use decoded to remember the orig_char for each encoded char
for (int orig_char=97; orig_char < 123; ++orig_char)
decoded[encoded[orig_char]] = orig_char;
// "?x" - What letter does encoded 'x' decode to?
} else if (from == '?') {
if (encoded_lines[i][j] == to)
decoded_lines[i][j] = decoded[to];
C++ introductory incremental examples
// print to the screen
int main( void ) { cout << "Hello world\n"; }
// Hello world
// functions: main(), say_hello(), "{...}" is a block of code
// indentation, "Hello" is a string, ' ' is a character, cascade "<<" notation
void say_hello() {
cout << "Hello";
int main( void ) {
cout << ' ' << "world\n";
// Hello world
// if ... else if ... else
int main( void ) {
if (1 == 2)
cout << "1 == 2\n";
else if (1 < 2)
cout << "1 < 2\n";
else if (1 > 2)
cout << "1 > 2\n";
cout << "none of the above\n";
// 1 < 2
// while loop, "block" of lines requires "{ }"
int main( void ) {
int number = 1;
while (number < 6) {
cout << number << ' ';
number = number + 1;
cout << '\n';
// 1 2 3 4 5
// refactor while loop into for loop
int main( void ) {
for (int number = 1; number < 10; number = number + 1) {
cout << number << ' ';
cout << '\n';
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
// "+=" operator, one-line block doesn't need "{ }"
int main( void ) {
for (int number = 1; number < 15; number += 1)
cout << number << ' ';
cout << '\n';
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
// 'x' is a char, "123" is a string
int main( void ) {
string a_string_variable = "now is the time";
for (int number = 1; number < 4; number += 1)
cout << a_string_variable << ' ' << number << '\n';
// now is the time 1
// now is the time 2
// now is the time 3
// initialize with "( )", "++" operator, '*' operator
int main( void ) {
string str( "now is the time" );
for (int num=1; num < 4; num++)
cout << str << ' ' << num << " ... " << num * num << '\n';
// now is the time 1 ... 1
// now is the time 2 ... 4
// now is the time 3 ... 9
// creating an input file thing, and using it to read a file
int main( void ) {
string str;
ifstream ifs( "decrypt.txt" );
for (int i=0; i < 4; ++i) {
getline( ifs, str );
cout << str << '\n';
// He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
// There will be no mourning or death or crying or pain,
// for the old order of things has passed away.
// -- Revelation 21:4
// array: a new "data type", notation, specify size, initialize
// vocabulary: elements, index
// first element is at index 0, last element is at index size-1
// load an array from a file
int main( void ) {
int array[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
for (int i=0; i < 4; ++i)
cout << array[i] << ' ';
cout << '\n';
string lines[4];
ifstream ifs( "decrypt.txt" );
for (int i=0; i < 4; ++i)
getline( ifs, lines[i] );
for (int i=0; i < 4; ++i)
cout << lines[i] << '\n';
// 1 2 3 4
// He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
// There will be no mourning or death or crying or pain,
// for the old order of things has passed away.
// -- Revelation 21:4
// lower case 'a' to 'z' are encoded as 97 to 122
// an array can be used to associate one thing with something different
int main( void ) {
char array[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y', 'z' };
for (int i=0; i < 6; ++i)
cout << (int) array[i] << ' ';
cout << '\n';
char encrypt_fm_to[123];
encrypt_fm_to['a'] = 'x';
encrypt_fm_to['b'] = 'y';
encrypt_fm_to['c'] = 'z';
cout << encrypt_fm_to['a'] << encrypt_fm_to['b'] << encrypt_fm_to['c'] << '\n';
// 97 98 99 120 121 122
// xyz